Why is branding important?

Why is branding important?

Six reasons why branding makes a difference to marketing  A lot of clients have asked me the question ‘Why is branding important?’   So, this month, I thought I would explain more by highlighting six reasons why branding can make a difference to your marketing efforts.   I have talked before about how important it … Read more

Is it time to rebrand?

time to rebrand

There are clear times to rebrand and also times when it doesn’t quite make sense, have you hit a business milestone, a landmark birthday, outgrown your premises? Have you launched a new product or are you trying to get into a new market? These are often good reasons why you should think about rebranding. Here … Read more

The process of branding

How would people describe your brand?  How do you want them to describe it? Quirky? Professional? Practical? No matter what direction you go in, branding is the path that will get you there, so here’s our process of branding. A proactive and planned branding process will allow you to shape your brand with purpose and … Read more